Coronavirus or COVID-19 Fever has stormed across the U.S and the world. Not because the virus itself is a big threat, but because its apparent “danger” has been hyperinflated.

A national emergency has been declared, and new terms, such as “self isolation,” have been introduced to the lexicon as an appropriate response. A prime example of a house divided, and historic precursor to, if not a fall, a major change.
Indeed, the change could be for the better. And if I have the power, as we all do, to choose and create the future from that place of power, then that which comes from hereon, will be qualitatively better than that which has become our norm.
The approved COVID-19 abatement measures ~ i.e., washing hands, avoiding touching others, self-quarantine, and generalized fear ~ simply make needlessly dour matters even worse, while mainstream media outlets, as exemplified in the linked article below, cast the “yellow eye” on any non-narrative alternatives.
Regarding the article referenced above, I might add here that the issue is not whether the products mentioned are effective, but whether they have been FDA approved. I will also offer that their level of effectiveness are not dependent on FDA approval. They are natural and restorative. The FDA’s approval practice and history has been largely dominated (and financially supported) by products and practices that de-nature the environment in which they are introduced. This habit and custom is a product of education, thinking, and culture.
MLM organizations are not the only sources of antiviral and anti-fungal remedies. The most basic is your immune system when it is healthy and functional, a state that must be consciously maintained, or restored. We compromise our immune systems, or allow it to be compromised, early in life, for reasons we will talk about soon.
If immediate concern is that information about “off script” abatement measures that would actually help improve the health situation without causing additional harm and expense, are actually targeted for confounding, (via trolls and other disinformation measures), or suppressed altogether.
My original YouTube channel contained information about many such measures. The most notorious and controversial among them, was the “Miracle Mineral Supplement”, or MMS.
Corporate Censorship: Who Can’t Handle the Truth?
On July 11, 2019, I received an email from Google/YouTube informing me that my channel was suspended for violating “Community Guidelines”.

No reason for the suspension was given. On the Terms of Service page I was reminded that according to their terms of use, no reason is needed.

In spite of a published “three strikes” notification policy and appeal avenues for account suspensions, none of these protocols were going to be involved here. I was not given a reason, an opportunity to appeal, or to talk with a reasoning, human being.
Their justification for not offering a forum for discussion starts with all they have to do is “reasonably believe”. Belief is not knowledge. We are a society that has settled on believing and not experiential facts, which is where knowing is gained.
The “MMS” Matter
I suspect that this action was taken due to the wide body of videos that I had produced years ago on the product called the “Miracle Mineral Supplement,” or “MMS”. It is a solution that is made by combining a tiny amount of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) and a light acid. At the time, citric acid was commonly used. The result of this combination was to produce a molecule that is generally referred to as chlorine dioxide or ClO2.

In 2010, the FDA contended that this chlorine dioxide molecule was and is a dangerous “industrial bleach”, which in one form, it is.
Chlorine dioxide is used, in industrial amounts, as a bleaching agent, and also for municipal water disinfection. While only 5% of the cities in the United States uses chlorine dioxide disinfection, it is superior to chlorine because it produces no disinfection byproducts, such as carcinogenic trihalomethanes.
I might add here that there are other ways to produce chlorine dioxide, involving much stronger acids, such as sulfuric (H2SO4), which yields an entirely different, and harmful species of the molecule. The industrial applications, as noted above, would use different ingredients and quantities in order to formulate their intended solution.

What neither the FDA, nor the MMS community appear to recognize, is the distinction and effect that the charge state has on a molecule. The ClO2 molecule is highly reactive and potentially hazardous when it has a positive valence or ionic charge state. This would be noted as ClO2+. This same molecule behaves differently when it has a negative valence, or anionic charge, i.e., ClO2–. This configuration has been referred to by some medical researchers as The Chlorite Matrix, and generically as the chlorine dioxide anion.
In 2012, on this blog, I republished an article titled, The Chlorite Matrix written by Grant Maanum. Grant opened my eyes to quite a bit about the history of the use of “stabilized” chlorine dioxide, or chlorite matrix, that predated MMS by several decades.
Grant Maanum, of British Columbia, had experienced both forms of chlorine dioxide, having inhaled the hazardous gas from a local paper plant, severely damaging his lungs for several years, then completely resolving the condition a few years later using MMS. Furthermore, his knowledge of the chemistry, research, and history, was exemplary.
We never met in person, nor even exchanged photos.
Our conversations, which I recorded, caused a stir in the MMS community too, particularly with Jim Humble, who, due to the clarifications and caveats that we published, thought we were creating more alarm than awareness.
The distinction between the properties and behavior of the two molecules is the difference between further damage and disruption, or repair and healing. Both molecules “smell” like chlorine. In the documentary that I produced on MMS, Dr. John Humiston told me that it’s supposed to smell that way. That’s how you knew it was working.

The FDA, its minions of MMS detractors and “bleach accusers” would have you believe that the mere presence of chlorine makes it “bleach.” Yet, they are all silent when it comes to the use of carcinogen-creating chlorine in municipal water treatment districts around the country. It appears that high school and college chemistry doesn’t prepare a student, or chemist well enough to understand this difference so that this is public knowledge.
What remains is needless public ignorance.
That body of information was taken off YouTube along with around 600 videos on many other subjects. The email address from which I managed the channel was barred from access to another channel that I had created. A search on “MMS” returns information related to Android telephones, and some mainstream attacks on the MMS protocol. Fortunately, you can find some videos from people who actually know better.
And now the world has a “pandemic” called “COVID-19” for which, if you listen to them, there is no remedy other than washing your hands, stocking up on toilet tissue, waiting for the vaccine, and expecting things to get worse.
This approach offers no relief from the fear, since some part of us knows that the suggested remedies are superficial at best, and that the cause and way to resolve the problem, remain undisclosed.
However, the answers will be revealed to all who sincerely want to know.
IF you listen only to the mainstream talking heads, which include media outlets and government bureaucrats, your options are limited to the remedies that they inform you about. Those remedies, based on medical and environmental philosophy that has led to the creation of the very “thing” that is being “fought,” will lead you down a primrose path.
I have uploaded the conversations that Grant and I had about MMS to a new location, and will gradually release them. Here are two of them.
CDS vs. The Chlorite Matrix
The Bilderbergers
To be clear, I am NOT advocating that anyone use, or not use, MMS. However, I am reposting some of the information that great and extraordinary efforts have been made to make unavailable.
Beyond MMS, there are many ways to address any “virus” outbreak, both in times of real or orchestrated crisis, and otherwise. The general public is proud of its scientific knowledge, and yet completely ignorant of these measures. As such, most are inclined to continue trusting the system and the practiced science that has actually led to such widespread susceptibility.
Even more troubling is that the people running healthcare system itself are not only ignorant, but actively against embracing these options, which speaks volumes as to how “advanced” this society and its methods can, in all honesty, claim to be.
You could get the chlorite matrix into your lungs by using a nebulizer machine with activated iMMS.
Here is how I do it. Activate one drop of MMS and mix that with 1/2 cup filtered water. Remove 5 mL of mixture and place in nebulizer machine chamber and nebulizer.
Here’s a short video I did to show how:
Hi Adam,
I have been scouring your site, the internet in general, and select patents to find out more about the ‘Chlorite Matrix’ and the differences you and Grant talk about. I want to learn how to make the best MMS or at least a better (if not best) version.
Did Grant ever complete that book? Where can I find it?
I would love to get my hands on more information along the lines you two talk about, especially if it is in an organized format.
One confusion you may be able to clear up: Grant talks about chlorite vs chlorate and how WF10 (Chlorite Matrix) is superior to MMS. But when I look at the patent for WF10, it states a list of ions in solution. The content of chlorate is 1.5%. This is far higher than I would get by dissolving a typical 80% sodium chlorite salt into water at 28%/22.4% The patent also describes the use of sodium hypochlorite in the process. So I’m having trouble following in Grant’s footsteps by reading the patents; I must be missing something.
Hi Steven,
As far as I know, Grant did not finish the book. As mysteriously as he came into my life, leaving some serious insights in his wake, he was gone. He moved to Vancouver for a time, as I recall, to be with his Mum. He did not respond when I sent an email to the last known address.
Grant talked about chlorite versus chlorates in the context that chlorites are stabilized and negatively charged (-), while chlorates (+) are to be avoided.
I am familiar with MMS Great stuff. It was sad that the founder went to Bill Gates and told him how it could save lives with people suffering from Malaria. Gates wasn’t interested. Seems Gates is more interested in depopulation. If pharm doesn’t like something it is because they won’t make money. Like DMSO.
Adam–great blog. …Just found you while searching for info on MMS, which I just stumbled across online the other day, while trying to find a way to heal my mother’s COPD/Emphysema.
It seems that the MMS movement definitely needs intelligent, sensible promoters/defenders, such as you appear to be.
Regarding the evil Google-Youtube, you need to move your voice to Brighteon. In their own words: “the YouTube alternative video platform that dares to respect free speech.”
Once they had enough, or perhaps it was just my nature, I moved on, began learning about water, and haven’t stopped. Stopping at MMS, or any other remedy, doesn’t address the actual cause of the problem or malady in the first place. The evidence and science suggests that the real issue is cellular dehydration, due more to logistics than nefarious intent, as a consequence of using impaired water, and not knowing the difference. More soon, plus solutions.
I successfully beat coronavirus with about four drops of mms. I couldn’t breathe and my body was slowing down. But just a few weeks ago, I didn’t know mms existed. I heard about it on Infowars.
My son came down with coronavirus first, and even though I didn’t know for sure he had it, I treated him with three drops of mms, and four the next day, and even gave a bottle with a few drops to take to one of his friends.
In a few days I find, I can’t breathe as well, and so I used colloidal silver, sprayed on my nose. It clears a pathway down to the lungs and helps you to breathe. I only had a little and I think if you had more, it would have had a greater effect.
But when you realize you really can’t breathe, this sneaks up on you. That’s when I decided to try four drops of mms. And that was like drinking oxygen. I could feel the drink going down and reaching the bottom of my stomach, and as it left, with most going towards my lungs. And just like that, I could breathe again. It felt like the virus hold on my lungs was shattered. I knew I was over that virus!
My chest still felt stiff for a few days. You could see how pneumonia could develop, as the next day I did feel a terrible sickness in my lungs where it was stiff. Just kept taking the mms, always about three or four drops, never taken six drops. Almost back to normal and hopefully better than normal which is the reason I got some mms.
I think if someone is on 4-6 drops of mms a day, don’t think they’ll be under any real threat of becoming sick with this virus. My feeling is that the virus thrives best in low oxygen conditions. But once oxygen is introduced into the body, it is pushed over, and just like that, it is defeated.
But for it, countries are being locked down, people are put on respirators and any number are dying, today. After my experience with the coronavirus, I think it is the wrong thing to put people on respirators. Because the lungs are not taking in air. The chlorine dioxide ingested in water, is a better way to oxygenate the body and help the immune system defeat this virus.
I did think it was interesting, though that the media, from the US, UK and even Germany, warned people against the “fake” coronavirus cures, which included colloidal silver and mms treatment. That the most effective treatments people could administer at home – for one of the deadliest viruses – were vilified and attacked at this time.
Mentioned on Infowars! So THAT”S where all the supply of MMS went! …I went to seller after seller, and they had notices that they were either sold out, or a week behind in shipments. I suspected that there was a coronavirus rush going on.
What a great testimony you have of the power of MMS against the current “pandemic.” Glad to hear you sailed through it. Be glad you are (sadly) one of the few who take responsibility for themselves rather than make the “authorities” responsible for your well-being.
Where are you finding the Sellers? I am new to MMS’s health benefits, but familiar with the Blow Up of the MMS story and Autism. I will continue to research until I am satisfied, but suspect that I will want to acquire some MMS in the near future. I watched to video above, CDS vs The Clorite Matrix, so want to be sure of getting the right thing! Where do you find reputable sellers?
“Science of the last century taught us to think for ourselves and believe our own observations against all the testimony of Authority. Science today increasingly tells us our thoughts and observations are reprehensible if they contradict its dogmas. The next two centuries may have to fight for the liberty of the individual mind against Science as the past two centuries had to fight against Theology.” -Robert Anton Wilson, from “Nature’s God”
I love your posts, Adam, and miss your YouTube channel immensely. Hearing from a rational mind like yours during a time when most others are coming undone by fear at least temporarily pacifies a growing suspicion within me that the whole of humanity are by and large the mental inmates of the MSM prison-matrix. Let’s hope you’re not the exception that proves the rule.
It would be wonderful to see more of your videos re-uploaded to alternative platforms in the future. Best of luck to you in these chaotic and uncertain times.
From Bizarro World,
sincerely, S.L.
No facts. No real facts. You only provide propaganda.